Read “Patriotism is Not the Best Criterion”.
Wang Huanci wrote “Patriotism Is Not the Best Criterion” for my Writing as Inquiry course “Language, Identity, and Community.” Huanci weighs the benefits and limitations of patriotism and proposes that we should take a broader, “global” view when considering issues that impact us all, such as trade and the refugee crisis. She constructs a debate between those who advocate for the value of patriotism and those who reject patriotism. She skillfully incorporates and evaluates sources, acknowledging the strengths of others’ claims while distinguishing them from her own argument. To support her argument, Huanci uses specific illustrating examples. Her thought-provoking discussions of corruption in China, the trade war between the US and China, and Trump’s “America First” policy—as well as her thoughtful, fair-minded approach towards patriotism—are especially timely.
—Alice Chuang, Lecturer in the Writing Program